Will of Andrew Choisser

 I, the undersigned Andrew G. Choisser, of the said county of Little River in the state of Arkansas, being of sound mind and memory hereby make, declare and publish this my last will and testament to-wit: 

First: it is my desire that all my just debts and the expenses of my last illness and funeral be paid. 

Second: I hereby devise and bequeath all and singular my personal property including any sum of money which I may have on deposit in any bank to Edward A Choisser and Talleyrand W Choisser to be theirs absolutely. 

Third: I hereby advise and bequeath all and singular my real estate wherever situated to Edward A Choisser and Talleyrand W Choisser to be theirs in fee simple forever. 

Fourth: I hereby appoint as executors of this my last will and testament Edward A Choisser and Talleyrand W Choisser. 

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 30 day of Nov. A.D. 

Signed Andrew G. Choisser 

The foregoing last will and testament of Andrew G Choisser was signed by him in our presence, by us in his presence and in the presence of each other this 30 day of Nov A.D. 1927 


W.F. Anderson 

J.BV. Chase 

Signed before me this 20 day of Nov. 1927 

WW Blakely, Notary Public 

Recorded this 28th day of Sept. 1934 in Record Book Misc E on page 75 

DW Lowery, Clerk 

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