Ashdown Bottling Works

 Misc Book B Page 295 State of Arkansas County of Little River

 The Ashdown Bottling works of Ashdown, Little River County Arkansas.

 J.F. Dunaway, proprietor, manufacturing mineral waters, soda waters, carbonated goods and cider and seltzer water, desiring to register his brands and marks on the boxes, bottles and kegs containing said carbonated goods used by the said "Ashdown Bottling Works: uses on boxes, kegs and bottles containing said carbonated goods the following description, the names, marks and devices to-wit: "The Ashdown Bottling Works and Williams Bottling Works" and such descriptions, names, marks and devices so used by said manufacturer as aforesaid he desires to have registered as his mark under Act CXLIX of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas of 1895; that he is the sole manufacturer of said brands of goods and entitled to the exclusive use of the same in the State of Arkansas; and that said goods are manufactured in the city of Ashdown, Little River County, Arkansas. 

Filed for record February 17, 1905 and recorded in Vo. B at page 195 this 17 day of February, 1905. 

W.C. Kinsworthy, Clerk