Raney P. Brown

 Sergeant Raney P. Brown, aged 23 years, son of A.P. Brown, Richmond, Arkansas, was born in Arden, Arkansas; volunteered for service in the army April 17th, 1917, at Richmond, Arkansas; was sent to Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, a member of Co. C 141st machine Gun Batallion; arrived over seas in August, 1918.  Prior to enlistment he was a member of the M.E. South church, Richmond, Arkansas.  Was engaged, with his father A.P. Brown, in farming near Richmond, Arkansas; prior to entering service. 
Raney is the son of A.P. & Ada Perry Brown
Born: July 9, 1895
Died: January 22, 1955 Center Point, Howard County, Arkansas
Married: Ada Whitmore
June 19, 1926 in Little River County, Arkansas

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