September 10, 1930 ~~Little River News
The 84th birthday of Mrs. M.A. Dupree was observed with a dinner Sunday, September 7, at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A.B. Hambleton of this city. Mrs. Dupree was the first woman settler of Ashdown, her husband, the late W.D Dupree, building the first home after the town was located by the railroad in 1882. She has resided here continuously ever since, and has a large number of descendants, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nearly all of whom were present on this occasion....(attending) Mr. & Mrs. JH Coggins, Mr. & Mrs. JH Welch and children, Mrs. Lucy Thomas, Mrs. Charles Waddell and baby, Mr. & Mrs. A Hambleton of Ashdown, Mrs. WH Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. Eber McDowell and children, Mrs. Bryant Duncan of Ogden. Hyman Dupree of Texarkana, Mrs. William Lambert, Miss Allie Dale Lambert of Winthrop, Mrs. Robert Wright And grandchildren of Foreman. Jean G Lambert of Alabama and Frazier Wright of Wilton.
{Martha Ann Pounds Dupree}
Little River News- Feb 1 1932
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