Aug 28, 2022

Bound by the Rivers

Little River County is almost an island unto itself. Bounded to the north, south, and east by the Little River and the Red River, ferries became a way of life for most of the early settlers.

Steamboats brought supplies, luxuries such as whiskey and flour, and people in and out of the county. But if you wanted to go into Sevier County to the North, Hempstead County to the east, or Miller County to the south, most likely you had to get on a ferry to do it.

In the early to mid 1800’s there were over twenty ferries in operation.

These ferries were located at major road crossings over the county line.

From Sevier County Court Records:

This day the following named persons were granted Ferry privileges at their several Ferries as follows to wit;

James Morris at his ferry across Little River from the 24th day of October 1843. William Wright at his ferry across Little River from the 25th day of April 1844 and Benjamin H. Layne at his ferry across Red River from 24th day of July, 1844. It is therefore ordered by the court that there be levied and collected from each of the above dates, and there are hereby authorized to receive the following rates at their respective ferries to wit;

For each man and horse 25 cents, for each footman 12 and ½ cents, for each wheel carriage ox cart or wagon 25 cents per wheel, for each span of horses or yoke of oxen, in carriage cart or wagon 25 cents, for each head of cattle 6 and ¼ cents for each head of sheep or hogs 3 cents.

It is therefore ordered that licenses be granted to the above-named persons in accordance with law.

April Term 1849

This day it appearing to the courts, that there has been no tax assessed on ferry privileges in this county since the passage of the late revenue act of 16th December 1846 and that said act does not repeal the act requiring each person keeping a ferry to procure from the county court a license for such privilege, and it appearing to the court that there are five ferries now established in this county at which charges are made for ferriages, and that the owners there of have not received from this court a license for that purpose and that the rates of ferriages have not been fixed by this court to wit:

The Ferry kept by Benjamin H. Layne at Laynesport across Red River, the ferry kept by William Wright across Little River, the ferry kept by J. Bowers across the Little River, the ferry kept by John Hudgens across the Little River, the ferry kept by William Burk across Little River.

It is therefore ordered by the county that there be levied as a tax on the privileges of ferrying at said ferries as follows twenty; on the ferry kept by Benjamin Layne the sum of twenty dollars, on that kept by Bowers the sum of ten dollars, on that kept by William Wright the sum of fifteen dollars, on that kept by John Hudgens the sum of fifteen dollars, and on that kept by William Burk the sum of five dollars, for such privileges for the term of one year from this date.

And that the rates of ferriages at said ferries shall be as follows, to wit:

For carriages or wagons,

For each two horse wagon or carriage with the horses the sum of one dollar, on each four horse carriage or wagon with four horses or two yoke of oxen the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, for each six horse wagon with six horses or three yoke of oxen the sum of one dollar and seventy five cents and on each cart or carriage with two or four wheels, and horses, the sum of fifty cents.

On each man and horse, the sum of twenty five cents.

On each foot passenger the sum of ten cents.

On each led horse the sum of fifteen cents.

On each head of cattle, the sum of five cents.

On each head of hogs or sheep the sum of three cents.

And it is further ordered by the court that the clerk of this court issue a license to each of the ferryman keeping said ferries in accordance with the foregoing order and deliver the same to the sheriff of this county as mentioned in thir several accounts now filed as follows to wit;

H.G. Rind as presiding judge of the county and Probate courts the sum of twelve dollars…$12.00

Joseph McCraven associate Justice the sum of $14.00

Lavner P. Griffing associate Justice the sum of $14.00

It is ordered that the clerk of this court draw warrants on the Treasurer for the same.

Ordered that court adjourn until court in course.


H.G. Rind P. Judge

Joseph McCraven As. J.P.

Laurner B. Griffing J.P.

Some licenses:

Ordered that the clerk of this court issue to James Morris a ferry license for the term of one year upon his paying unto this county treasurer of Sevier County the sum of five dollars he the said James Morris having filed bond according to law.

Ordered that William Wright have by the clerk of this court issued to him a ferry license for the term of one year upon his paying into the county treasury of Sevier County- the sum of five dollars he having filed bond as the law directs.

On motion it is ordered by the court that the clerk of this court issue to Benjamin H. Layne a ferry license for the term of one year from this date upon his pay with tax the county treasury the sum of five dollars he having filed bond as the law of the land directs.

Names of some of the ferries:

Buster Ferry

Allen Ferry- ferry crossing Little River to Fulton

Green Wood Ferry-Northeast of Billingsleys Corner

Morris Ferry-North of Crossroads

Laynes Ferry- one crossing the Red River (south of Laynesport) and one crossing the Little River (about where Ashley’s Camp is now, on old Highway 71.

Norris Ferry-North of Crossroads

Stoker’s Ferry Southwest of Millwood Dam

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