Little River News: 1930 Alleene

 Little River News

May 1930


Mr and Mrs Tom Whitney of New Boston TX were here on business Wed and

John Woodson and Tommie Cox of Camden were visitors here Fri night enroute
to Oklahoma City.

Misses Ruth Cope, Mamie Gifford and Carl Whiteman of DeQueen visited
friends here Fri afternoon.

Mr and Mrs Fred Wright of Ashdown were visitors in town Fri.

Mr and Mrs J.R.(B?) King and Mrs J WJ Mast of Texarkansa were visitors
here recently.

Miss Merle Gillihan visited friends in Ashdown last week.

J.J. Seastrunk, E.F. Scarborough, C.O. Thompson and O.L. Seastrunk motored to
Foreman Sat.

Mr and Mrs Russell Pierce spent the week end with relatives at Winthrop.

Joe Norwood of Texarkana visited relatives here Sat.

Mr and Mrs J.N. Honnell visited relatives in Lockesburg Tues.

Mr and Mrs Tom Crawford and daughter Dorothy and Price Crawford and
daughter Lucille, Celia Patton, Leona Gillihan and C.O. Thompson attended
the school program at Arden Fri night.

Merlie Gillihan and Carl Whiteman of DeQueen attended the show at
Texarkana Sun night.

Henry Freeman of Foreman was in town Wed.

Mrs Oather Coarver and little son of Wallace spent the week end here with
her parents, Mr and Mrs J.D. Seastrunk.

Mrs Sherd Barrett of Ashdown spent the week end here with her sister,
Mrs Charlie Scarborough, Thurs.