October 23, 1920
Town Gossip
Little River News
Winthrop News
Oct 22, Special
Guy Gray made a business trip to Little Rock the first of the week. Marshall Tapp was in Ashdown Wednesday. Mr and Mrs GC Hamblin and little Son GC were visiting friends and relatives in Louisiana last week. Guy Walker of Texarkana was here Sunday visiting friends and relatives. Mark Van E. Norman returned to his work at Ranger, Texas, Tuesday.
Jones Community News
Oct 21, Special
JC Proe hauled shingles from Foreman last Saturday to put a new roof on part of Jones school house. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hammond’s baby has been quiet sick, but is better again. EL Rigsby and daughter Gola, who were sick, were taken to Hatfield last Thursday. We are glad to report that Mrs Ora Broomfield is slowly improving. Mr and Mrs RL Daniels’ baby is some better. Grandma Whisenhunt is numbered with the sick. DT Bush and CH Rettman were in Wilton and Ashdown visitors last Friday and Saturday. Albert Green has been quite sick for a few days this week. We are told that some much needed road work is being done under the supervision of CE Gauldin in the east part of the township.
Richmond News
Oct 21, Special
Mrs. AT Hemphill was shopping in Ashdown Friday. Miss Loreign Parker spent the weekend with parents in Texarkana. The younger set were entertained with an informal dance Friday evening at the
home of Jas. Hemphill. Mr and Mrs RD Goff have as their guest Mr Goff’s sister, Mrs. Turner of Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs RE Huddleston has returned to her home at Ashdown after a visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs MW Locke. The friends of Miss Francis Holmes are glad to hear that she is improving nicely from a recent operation. A dance was enjoyed by the young people Monday night at the home of Mr and Mrs Floyd Deloney.
Foreman News
Oct 21, Special
Dr RR Lefevers accompanied his son, Edgar, to Hot Springs Monday and later took him to Texarkana for an operation. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church have collected nearly 600 pounds of
clothing this week to be sent to Poland. Miss Kate McElhannan died at her home near Wallace last Friday after a long illness. She had many friends who sympathize with the family in their loss.
Marvin News
Oct 21, Special
This being a very rainy day will cut news short again. Can only give that which is reported to us. So the report goes that Willie Richardson comes up more often (at Red Hill) than does the cows.
Again the report goes that Mr Cody Trammell may be seen coming up with the chickens. We shall see what we shall see. JR Latham of Richmond was the guest of JT Trammell Saturday night and Sunday.
JH Johnson was over on Trammell Street Sunday. Oscar Calicott and wife were on the street spending Sunday. TJ Dunn of Tulsa, Okla., is with his family for the rest of the month. He and his family will return to Oklahoma November 1st. GE Scott of Foreman visited his mother, Mrs Mary Scott, Sunday.
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