Jul 27, 2020

Ashdown Gossip ~ September 1942

Ashdown Happenings-L.R. News
September 10, 1942

Mr and Mrs Jett Orton and son of Fulton spent the weekend with Mrs. J.J. Crotty. 

Mrs. Pearl Orton of Texarkana is visiting Mrs. J.J. Crotty this week. 

Joe Steele left Monday for Fayetteville to attend the University of Arkansas. Miss Ruth Lambright left Sunday to teach this year in Wilton. Mrs. Walter Pruitt was taken to the hospital in Texaarkana Sunday for medical attention. 

Miss Elizabeth Lay left Sunday for Arkadelphia to attend Henderson State Teacher’s College. Miss Octavia Lay went to Longview, Texas Friday to teach this yeaar. Miss Erma Jean Crawford went to Texarkana Sunday to begin her commercial course. Miss Mary Sue Piercy left Saturday for Fayetteville to attend the University of Arkansas. Mack Reed Christian left last week for Magnolia where he enrolled at A and M College. 

Mrs. L.F. Wheelis spent the weekend in Hot Springs with relatives. Miss Nora Bowman of Texarkana spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ed. Bowman. 

Jimmy Choate and Henry Kaufman were Thursday business visitors in Mena. Mrs. Willella Baughman of Arkadelphia visited Mrs. O.T. Graves last week. 

William Pond of Foreman was a Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs J.L. Roden. Miss Frances Locke of Little Rock spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs T.J. Locke. Mr and Mrs Arthur Lott of Okay spent Sunday with Mrs T.J. Lott and family. 

Miss Lillabell Floyd of Lockesburg is visiting Mr and Mrs Martin Ross. Mr and Mrs J.P. McIntyre of Marlow, Oklahoma are visiting Mr and Mrs Leon Autry. 

Mr and Mrs George Mooney have moved to Kilgore, Texas, where Mr Mooney is employed. 

Misses Ola Mae Pennington and Orhea Johnson spent the weekend visiting Camp Crowder, Missouri. Miss Kathryn Bone of Little Rock spent the weekend with Miss Dorothy Shaver. Mrs Mack Christian spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Reed, at Mineral Springs. 

Worth McGraw of Pine Bluff spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs W.P. McGraw. Richard Latimer of Camp Claiborne, Louisiana visited here the first of the week. 

Misses Beulah and Irene Carroll of Hot Springs are visiting Mr and Mrs Joe Jester and family. Mr and Mrs J.H. Welch spent Sunday with their daughter at Texarkana. Mr and Mrs W.P. Leslie spent Thursday night in Nashville with Vas Leslie. 

Misses Ruth Ringgold and Annie Maude Yates left Sunday to attend Arkansas State Teacher’s College at Conway. Miss Evelyn Simmons returned Thursday from a visit in Longview, Texas and is now employed at Evans Variety Store. 

Mary Lou Owens, daughter of Mr and Mrs Louie Owens, had her tonsils removed at a Texarkana hospital last week. Mrs Charles Stewart Allen of Ft. Worth, Texas arrived last week for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs A.J. Scibner. 

Buck Wright, who is stationed somewhere in California, is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Wright. Miss Maranel Good who is taking technical work at St. Louis, spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs E.R. King. 

P.E. Collins of Longview, Texas, spent last week with Mr and Mrs O.G. Roberson, Mrs Roberson returned to Longview with them for the weekend. 

Misses Charley Marie Bowles, Mary Toland and Frances Ann Wright left Sunday for Arkansas State Teacher’s College at Conway. They were accompanied by C.I. Bowles and J.Y. Wright. Mr and Mrs H.R. Price and big baby girl (Barba Ann) of Gladewater, Texas, stopped over in Ashdown in route from a weekend visit with Mrs Price’s mother who lives in Horatio and his cousin who lives in Ashdown. 

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