Sep 25, 2019

1935 Foreman Sun News

Town Gossip

Foreman Sun News

June 21, 1935
Local News~
H.L. Toland, of Ashdown, was in Foreman Tuesday.
Charles Heller, of Mena, is visiting friends in Foreman.
Mrs. G.W. Martin spent the week-end with her parents at Hope.
Attorney Jas. H. Williams, of Ashdown, was in Foreman Monday.
Harry Steele, Ford Dealer at Ashdown, was in Foreman Tuesday.
County Treasurer, D.W. Lowery was here from Ashdown Tuesday.
Miss Gladys Mae Arnold went to Fort Towson, Oklahoma  Wednesday for a visit to relatives.
Misses Florine and Dixie Holt, of Valliant, Oklahoma were week-end guests of friends in this city.
Mrs. Robert Campbell and daughter, Patsy Ann, of Hope, arrived Thursday for a visit to relatives.
Mrs. W.A. Bowden has returned from Clarksville, Texas, for a few week’s stay at her home here.
Mrs. Elton Davis and son, Bobbie, of East St. Louis Ill. Are visiting relatives in Foreman and vicinity.
Ed Matherly returned to his home in Oklahoma Wednesday, after a visit to relatives at Winthrop and Foreman.
Miss Marie Purkins and two of Mrs. Glen Williams’ children, of Hope, arrived Thursday for a visit to relatives.
Rev. and Mrs. H.H. McGuyre and daughter Mary, of Mena, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas McGuyre Monday night.
Chester Atkinson, who attended the State University at Fayetteville, is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs L.J. Atkinson.
Porter Thornton and Miss Myrtle Oakgrove, of Laynesport, were united in marriage Saturday night at the home of Justice D. W. Bailey, who performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Reese Matthews left Wednesday to join her husband at Idabel, where they have recently moved from Hope.  She had been visiting relatives here for a few days.

Arkinda News~

Mrs. Weaver Barkman and daughter, Weva Jean, of Jackson, Mississippi, stopped for a call at Mrs. J.C. Turner’s home Tuesday evening. They were en route to visit Mrs. Barkman’s mother, Mrs. H.G. Ward, at Tom, Oklahoma.
Mrs. Mary Kirkland gave a party for the young folks of the community Tuesday evening.  A very happy evening was spent by all present, playing old fashioned games on the lawn.
Mrs. Sam Free was taken suddenly very ill Sunday morning.  She was rushed to Texarkana, where she is under the care of a specialist.
Mrs. Ope Hathaway and small son, Kenneth, of Haworth, Oklahoma, are visiting friends and relatives here this week.
Little Miss Eloise Kirkland fell from a truck where she and some other children were playing and cut a very bad gash on her head Tuesday. 
Mrs. Robert West  went with her son, Junior, to Texarkana Monday to have his tonsils removed.  Miss Boyd, FERA nurse, drove them over and back. Junior is recuperating just fine.
Claude Bonine went to Ashdown Monday.
Mrs. Davidson, accompanied by Misses Clarice Kirkland, Mildred Baliss and Clara Henderson, were in attendance at the Blackland Sunday School last Sunday.
Mr. J.B. Patrick, who has been agent for the Frisco here for several months, has been reassigned to Rudy Arkansas.  Mr. Orville Hathaway is in charge of the company’s interests here until a regular assignment is made.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hathaway of Haworth, Oklahoma, were Sunday visitors.

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