Foreman Sun Newspaper 1918

Foreman Sun Newspaper, Little River County, Arkansas

January 18-1918


Ben S. Skinner, one of the pioneer citizens and business men of this city passed away Saturday at noon from a stroke of paralysis recently. The deceased was survived by a wife, one daughter and two sons. The remains were deposited in Blackland Cemetery Sunday.

January 18-1918

Joe Webb has purchased the residence of Dr. D.L. Stevens and moved his family to town. Dr. Stevens has moved into the residence recently purchased from Rosco Honnell.
J.T. Carlton died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Andy Hooper, in this city Monday morning at 11:00, at the advanced age of 86 years old.
W.T. Reid and Joe Webb visited Ashdown last Friday.
Mrs. L.W. Dollarhide returned Sunday from a visit to her son Edgar, at America, Georgia.

January 25, 1918

Everybody enjoyed themselves at the singing at Jeff Cartwright's Sunday night.
Ed Murphy has moved near Old Town.
W.A. Richardson and family visited friends at Winthrop Sunday and Monday.
Austin Lecroy doesn't have much luck courting the girls these days.
Mr. and Mrs. McMayhan visited friends at New Hope Sunday.
Kate Miller visited friends at New Hope Sunday.
John Kirk of Richmond, visited friends here Saturday.
Florence Miller, who has been on the sick list is able to be up now.
It is reported that Robert Lowery has grinned out loud.